Thursday, 29 April 2010


Today i am going to talk about gender and how two different genders are perceived 

When i  first looked at this picture i thought , we have two genders that come together, which are perceived very differently . i see a big line in the middle, one side male one side female. When we was in lesson we talking about how men and women are generalized over job roles . When a woman goes for a job interview they are given a more harder time than men this is because of the society we live in and how men and women and generalized. There is a video below that shows how women are generalized at work. Please have a look very interesting 

i have chosen this video clip as it shows a major aspect on what i have 
been talking about in this blog it shows what type of society we live in and how 
our society is generalized about different genders. The video gives great details 
and aspects about generalization in genders in depth. This video is so important 
because it shows the life that we live and makes you wonder if it will ever change .

Women are also generalized on how they look, when a woman goes out to a night club they are going to look there best
as if they see a guy they like what want him to feel she look good and is going to talk to her. When a man goes out
its the same thing , to go out and look good . When a man is in a club its so stereotypical for the man to make the first move
, why cant it be the girl making the first move.

this picture to me shows the woman really engaging on the conversation and trying to catch the
mans eye which puts her in control, which we see rarely in the day and age. 

This picture shows the man in control making the first move and making the woman feel special by randomly engaging into her. 

Last but no least , i am gonna leave you with a note to think about. 

Why are girls more successful at school? Perhaps emphasis on communication in projects and exams submerges differences. Success at school nowadays depends on being able to writes essays and examination papers. If girls are better at verbal communication than boys, then they are likely to succeed. But, if there are more boys in remedial reading classes, does it not imply a serious defect in our educational system?

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