In November we had enterprise week which ran for 3 weeks from 9th November 2009 till 27th November 2009

I attended 1 event, this was the marketing industry panel , this event were important to attend in relation to one of the assignment. We had well known media executives attend this event from various companies such as Media com, Millward Brown, Burson marsteller, rapp and Billets the provided the role of advertising in the 21st century and what role their own company plays in relation to advertising, it was well amazing to get a one on one insight on how advertising companies work and a in depth view on what they do., Media com was the company that stood out to me. I say this because Sue Unerman gave me personally a full insight on how media/ advertising agency is run and what were the main aspects and media issues of running of the business to provide the best service to the consumer.
Rik Haslam -Group Creative Architect for WWV Rap

Sue Unerman - Chief Strategy Officer for MediaCom

Matthew Chapman - International Service and Systems Innovation Director for Billets
Sue Elms - Executive Vice President of Global Media Practice Millward Brown
George Hutchinson - Chair and Managing Director of Public Affairs for Burson-Marsteller UK
Kotler and Armstrong (2004, p.468) define marketing communication as the process of presenting an integrated set of stimuli to a market target with the aim of gaining a desired set of responses setting up ways to receive, interpret and act on messages from the market to modify present company messages and identify new communications opportunities. (Lancaster and Reynolds 2005, P.185)
Also looking at the notes I made on the day of this discussion, I remember that Sue Unerman (Chief Strategy Officer for MediaCom) mentioned about how the businesses will lose up to £10,000 by advertising online if the message they are trying to give is not clear enough and also if the advertisements are not targeted on the related websites.
i believe i have gained some great knowledge of being at this event which will broaden my my arises of of the advertising and media industry works . it was great to meet and see these people in the flesh as we ourselves could be in there foot steps soon .
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